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Our Teachers
K Nicholls_edited.jpg

Mrs K Nicholls

E Mullan_edited.jpg

Miss E Mullen



Miss A Gooden


Welcome to Year 5

Welcome back! The children and staff have been hard at work, settling back after an enjoyable winter break. We have lots of fun planned for this term.


For more details about our learning this term, please see the  Curriculum Overview..




Class 8 will be swimming every Wednesday.


Classes 7 &9 will have outdoor PE every Thursday.


Indoor PE will be taught every Friday. Please ensure children come to school wearing the correct kit for PE days.


Your child’s PE kit will be used for gymnastics and dance in the hall. Trainers may be used for games lessons taken outside. Children should also wear in a separate black sweatshirt, black tracksuit bottoms and trainers during colder months.

Please can parents/carers ensure all individual items of clothing are all named and labelled clearly with their child’s name.


We will be introducing a homework book where we will be setting some English or Maths homework weekly. We will also be setting some online homework, more details about log ins etc. will be available soon.

Important Dates

24th February – INSET

6th March – World Book Day

10th & 11th March – Year 5 trip to Carding Mill Valley

19th & 20th March – Spring Parents’ Evening

11th April – Year 5 Assembly

If you have any concerns or worries, please arrange a time to speak to one of us, as you play a vital role in your child’s education.  


 Mrs K Nicholls                                 Miss E Mullen                                  Miss A Gooden

Autumn Foliage
Autumn Curriculum Overview
Branch with Catkins
Spring Curriculum Overview
Blooming Garden
Summer Curriculum Overview

Click the red label on the post to see more news

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